3 Common Animals Featured In Farm Animal Comic Strips

Comic strips have unique design elements that make them stand out and have become a staple in newspapers and print for multiple generations. Thanks to the internet, you have the opportunity to read farm animal comic strips online and enjoy several types of styles.

As you read multiple farm animal comic strips, learn about three common animals that are often the stars of the comic. With each animal, you can learn why they are chosen and some of the common themes to look for.

1. Cows

One of the most common animals associated with a farm is the cow. A cow provides a lot of chances for artists to create humor. The humor may focus on a cow's size or elements like milking a cow. Cows also provide other food products, and some narrative speech bubbles about cows offer an opportunity to create laughs.

When farm-based comic strips are printed in black and white, the pattern and design of a cow will really stand out on the page. The size of a cow also gives the animal a way to stand out in comic strip panels and really take command of a scene. Artists have a lot of wiggle room to create different cow designs like larger cows, baby cows, or cows with horns.

2. Pigs

Another large animal often found in farm comic strips is the pig. A pig provides easy metaphors for dirt, messes, and gluttony. The pig may often be drawn to represent humans and showcase different themes through the designs and comedy. Pigs have a lot of unique features, like their curly tail and snout.

Pigs are easy to add a human element to as well. For example, an artist may add clothing to a pig and have them stand up on two legs. Small adjustments can really transform the creature and give artists a lot to work with.

3. Chickens

Many forms of poultry appear in farm animal comics. Along with the basic chicken, an artist may rely on the highly detailed rooster when creating art. Chickens provide a lot of comedic fodder for comic strips and are often drawn in different poses. The smaller size of a chicken gives an artist many ways to pose the animal and provide unique designs.

Chickens can sit on top of barns, inside of barns, or in chicken coops where they lay eggs. The unique feather designs create a lot of compelling visuals and provide a diverse amount of comic strip opportunities. 

If you'd like to read farm animal comic strips, reach out to a production company, such as Udderly Ridiculous Productions.

433 Words

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Celebrating the Arts with Your Kids Do you desperately desire to introduce your kids to the arts at an early age? To help you accomplish this important task, consider enrolling your children in music lessons. For instance, you might wish to sign one of your kids up for piano lessons while signing another one up for tuba lessons. Besides investing in music lessons, you may wish to regularly take your kids to art galleries in order for them to see the latest exhibits. On this blog, I hope you will discover how introducing your children to the arts at an early age can improve the quality of their lives. Enjoy!



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